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Critical Mass 

Critical mass – the size that something needs to reach before a particular change, event or development can happen

The business case for diversity is well known and well made. Diverse voices that can be heard in an inclusive culture bring economic and operational benefits. In the defence sector, women currently number around 24%. The Women in Defence Charter has set an ambition that 30% of all roles will be filled by women by 2030. Our Critical Mass work supports that ambition.

Why Critical Mass?

Somewhere in the zone when women reach 20 to 30% of an institution, things begin to change.

To help organisations reach a critical mass of women, we are generating a critical mass of knowledge and leading practice. Working with our partners, we are building a Critical Mass Community that is sharing their company challenges in the gender space, and, importantly, how they are overcoming those challenges.

Make change with us...

Critical Mass Summit

Our 2024 Critical Mass Summit focused on how do we retain women in the sector.

With thanks to our Pankhurst Partner Babcock, HR and ED&I practitioners from over 60 companies and organisations heard new and different thinking from experts and organisations from outside and inside of defence on some unexpected solutions to the retention conundrum.

Our speakers were:

  • Charlotte Woodworth - Gender Equality Campaign Director at Business in the Community
  • Elliott Rae - Speaker, Author, and Social changemaker
  • Eleanor Mills – Founder of Noon and Queenager-in-Chief

Critical Mass Community

Monthly event

Every company or organisation has their own women’s or gender network that runs fabulous, informative and supportive events for all. The Critical Mass Community will not try to duplicate that, instead we will use our tremendous reach across the UK defence sector to build a community of HR Professionals and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion practitioners to share challenges and, importantly, how they are over-coming those challenges.

The Critical Mass Community will share those challenges and solutions for the benefit of the whole community at monthly virtual or face-to-face meetings.

This way, we will create a critical mass of knowledge and leading practice.

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How do we retain more women in the sector?

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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Critical Mass Summit 2023

10 July 2023

The Summit was our first big step in solving problems and creating a critical mass of knowledge and leading practice.

The title was ‘Changing the Face of Defence’ – how do we attract more women into the sector.

We showcased experts and organisations from outside of defence who have faced similar challenges attracting women and made headway. They brought new and fresh thinking that will help practitioners and leaders struggling to recruit women into the sector.

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Critical Mass Summit 2023: Closing video

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