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How do we attract more women into the defence sector? 


Angela Owen OBE

Founder of Women in Defence UK

5 min read

Jul 25, 2023

On 10th July 2023, sponsored by our Pankhurst Partner, Babcock, the Critical Mass Summit took place with a clear mission: to change the face of defence by drawing more female talent into the sector.

Attendees were treated to a wealth of insights from renowned experts and organisations that had successfully navigated similar challenges outside the defence realm. Louise Gear, Head of Development, Grass Roots Women's Football at the Football Association, captivated the audience with her discussion on Women's Football and its "Transformational Change – a Formula for Success". She remarked, "The transformation in Women's Football is not just about the game; it's about societal change." Professor Rosie Campbell, Director of the Global Institute for Women's Leadership, provided a deep dive into ‘The Importance of Signals’, stating, "Signals are more than just messages; they shape perceptions and realities." The roster of esteemed speakers didn't end there, with many more sharing their invaluable perspectives.

The afternoon was equally enriching, featuring workshops on pivotal topics. One standout session was ‘Back to Basics - Business Critical Understanding’, which placed a spotlight on the indispensable role of data. Another segment, ‘Reflections on the Day – Your Questions Answered’, facilitated a lively Q&A, allowing attendees to engage directly with the experts. As the day drew to a close, peers connected, shared insights, and built lasting connections during a dedicated networking session.

For those keen to delve deeper into the discussions, you can watch the individual recordings from our speakers, linked below 

It was not a 'talking shop', it provided ideas that could be implemented.


Critical Mass Summit 2023

Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive. Here are some of our favourites from the attendees:

  • "Practical idea sharing - not just talking but exploring how to genuinely deliver real, tangible change".
  • "Hearing from 'outsiders' who are not from the industry challenged the diversity of thinking".
  • "The speakers who were able to apply learning from their respective fields to the world of defence. A great mix bringing different perspectives and real expertise."

To further the conversation and understanding of the topics broached during the summit, we've curated a selection of follow-up articles and blogs for our attendees and interested individuals. You will find the related articles in the section below this blog.